Since 2000, Hanover County has identified Economic Development Zones (EDZs), which are areas intended to support new and expanding businesses by:
- Ensuring appropriate land use designations are in place
- Prioritizing investment in supporting infrastructure (roads, utilities, etc.)
- Supporting public/private partnerships to enhance the quality of development
These areas are generally located near interstate interchanges or other major transportation corridors located within the Suburban Service Area (SSA), where businesses can capitalize upon existing (or planned) infrastructure investments.
This plan, adopted in the Envision Hanover Comprehensive Plan on September 27, 2023, identifies three types of EDZs, with each type having different characteristics and needs. Refer to Chapter Five – Economic Vitality of the Plan for information. The EDZs categories are:
1) Renewal Areas
Renewal Areas include highly-visible business areas that have the potential for additional redevelopment and reinvestment. These areas include sites developed prior to modern development standards, so reinvestment could be capitalized on to enhance community aesthetics (landscaping, lighting, signage, etc.), pedestrian/bicycle infrastructure, access management, and other features to create attractive gateways to Hanover County, support existing businesses, and attract new ones.
- U.S. Route 1 Corridor (Chickahominy River to Ashland Town Limits)
- Mechanicsville Village
- Route 30 Corridor
2) Emerging Employment Hubs
Emerging Employment Hubs include areas near major transportation corridors where there is significant land available to accommodate new businesses and industries to create high-quality employment opportunities. The focus of these areas are to accommodate new economic development opportunities and to construct and/or upgrade infrastructure to make these areas attractive for new business investment and targeted industries.
- Mountain Road Gateway
- Creighton Road Gateway
- I-95/Old Ridge Road/Hickory Hill Road
- Pole Green Road Gateway
3) Established Employment Hubs
Established Employment Hubs include areas that have a concentration of established businesses and industries. The focus of these areas is to support existing businesses; facilitate redevelopment and infill development to accommodate complementary businesses; and maintain and upgrade the infrastructure necessary to facilitate goods movement and support continued economic vitality. These areas have been developed with a variety of architectural styles, in accordance with varying development standards and zoning regulations.
- Atlee/Elmont Interchange
- Lewistown Road
- Hanover County Industrial Airpark