I-95: The major north-south interstate highway linking Maine to Florida bisects Hanover County and provides links to interior roads at four interchanges.
I-295: Richmond’s outermost perimeter highway provides four interchanges as it crosses through the southern half of Hanover County.
U.S. Routes 360, 301, 33 and 1 provide easy access to the interior of Hanover County and the Greater Richmond region.
Interstates 64, 85, 295 and 95 serve the Greater Richmond region, providing access to more than 40 percent of the nation’s manufacturing centers.
Shipping – Motor Freight
More than 100 motor freight lines provide shipping service to the Greater Richmond region.
CSX Transportation, a Class 1 operator, supports Hanover’s rail service.
Buckingham Branch leases the north-south CSX line through Hanover County, and operates a transload facility in Doswell, VA.
Norfolk Southern Corporation, a Class 1 operator, is another rail provider in the Greater Richmond Region. The rail lines link the north, south and midwest regions with connection service to the west coast.
International Port Facilities
Port of Richmond
Worldwide goods are shipped to and from Hanover County through the Port of Richmond via breakbulk, barge, container, scrap, and new bulk. The Port is a container and general cargo facility on the James River with weekly container service to Antwerp, Belgium and Liverpool, England. In addition, the Port serves the United Kingdom, northern Europe, the Mediterranean, Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, and South America. Independent Container Line, Ltd., the Port’s major carrier, provides service to Russia and Latvia by feeder vessel and to northern Italy by rail. Learn more by visiting https://www.rva.gov/economic-development/richmond-marine-terminal.
Port of Virginia
The nearby Port of Virginia, accessible in less than two hours driving time from Hanover via Interstate 64, consists of four general cargo terminals: Newport News Marine Terminal, Norfolk International Terminal, Portsmouth Marine Terminal, and the Virginia Inland Port in Warren County, Virginia. All facilities are operated by Virginia International Terminals, Inc., a non-stock, non-profit operating affiliate of the Virginia Port Authority. Learn more by visiting www.portofvirginia.com.
Air Service
Richmond International Airport
Richmond International Airport (RIC) is located within 20 minutes of the business corridors of Hanover County. Nine major airlines offer nonstop flights to major domestic destinations and connecting options to points around the world. RIC also features one of the busiest cargo facilities in the nation, handling a record 190 million pounds of cargo in fiscal year 2023.
- Designation as a foreign trade zone
- Cargo services
- Airlines serving RIC
Learn more by visiting www.flyrichmond.com.
Hanover County Municipal Airport
The Hanover County Airport is a County-owned airport with a Fixed Base Operator managing the daily operations. The facility is conveniently located near the I-295/I-95 Interchange and is adjacent to the Hanover Industrial Airpark. The state-of-the-art municipal airport is located on a 200-acre site and has a 5,400-foot runway. Private and corporate planes are housed at the airport.
Services include:
- Hangar space, tie-downs, maintenance, fuel
- New 7,000 s.f. terminal offers spacious lobby seating, large conference room, kitchen facilities, and Wi-Fi throughout
- Aircraft charter
- Flight instruction
- Three full-time airplane mechanics
- Aircraft is available for rent
Learn more by visiting Hanover County’s full service fixed based operator: HOVA Flight Services
Foreign Trade Zone
A Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) is a secure or restricted-access site in or near a United States port of entry.
FTZs are authorized by the U.S. Foreign-Trade Zones Board and operated under the supervision of the United States Customs Service. Operating as an international airport expansion into Hanover County, RIC handles freight and customs clearances with efficiency and speed. A major business advantage sponsored by the airport is Richmond’s Foreign-Trade Zone (FTZ) #207.
Hanover County has a Foreign Trade sub-zone located in the Lewistown Road Economic Development Zone.
Foreign Trade Zone Benefits include:
- No duty is paid on re-exported merchandise.
- If foreign merchandise is sold domestically, no duty is paid until it leaves the zone or zones.
- If foreign merchandise is manufactured into a product with a lower duty rate, the lower duty rate applies on the foreign content when duty is paid.
- Merchandise in a zone may be stored, repackaged, manufactured, manipulated, destroyed, altered or changed.
- No duty is charged on most waste and scrap from production in an FTZ.