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4 Search Results for FC

New Federal and Virginia State Reporting Requirements for Small Businesses

In 2024, there are several regulations that should be on small business owners’ radar including the Federal FinCEN BOI requirement and Virginia’s RetirePathVA. Registering with FinCEN – Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) Small businesses will need to register with an agency called the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) in 2024, as part of an act passed in 2021 called the Corporate Transparency Act. … View Article Promotes Local Tourism-Related Businesses

The Richmond Region has become a hub for sports tourism, welcoming over 170,000 visitors a year and generating $62.5 million in direct visitor spending. With at least 15 sports events left in the region before Labor Day (out of an 83-event season), Richmond Region Tourism is inviting small businesses in the area to capture some of that visitor spending. Richmond Region Tourism… View Article

Buckingham Branch Railroad Showcases Transload Facility in Hanover County

Started in 1988, the Buckingham Branch Railroad is a family-owned, short line railroad that operates in Virginia with 280 miles of track, seven train crews, 14 locomotives, and more than 40 freight customers.  Over the years, the railroad company has developed a reputation for dependability and flexible service that responds effectively to the changing needs of freight customers in todays’ logistics and… View Article

Destination Retail, Leisure and Entertainment in Hanover County

To commemorate business appreciation during the 300th anniversary of Hanover County, the Department of Economic Development is recognizing the county’s tourism and hospitality industry featuring historical, cultural, leisure and entertainment entities and businesses.  Hanover’s tourism assets contribute a significant amount to our local economy with visitors spending over $258 million and generating over $5 million in additional tax revenue in 2018. Throughout the… View Article